smiling leo

Leo Appreciation Society

Fan mail from some of his friends

to add your love, or if you want me to attribute your remarks email me.

Sweet Leo has been in my thoughts....
I remember Leo :) I remember he and Bat doing their best to participate in that tiny little space that barely held 6 humans. Bat being the amazing feline candle snuffer and Leo doing his very best to cuddle anyone who'd let him.

I remember Leo sinking all front claws into my shoulder in that special way of 'hugging' of his :) And I remember him curling up in my lap and just radiating kitty comfort waves one day when all I wanted to do was curl up and die.

gosh it was so wonderful to be able to experience you leo,.......

thankx for the 4 the awesum purzzzzzz, cat

I am saying a prayer for your big orange kitty.

IMHO kitties are incarnate cheribum. And the orange ones are special. Leo was an orange flame kitty.

A kiss for him, and a hug for you.

I had to read this twice. I am so glad Leo had a great quality of life with you. I am still wiping the tears from my face. I know it has been a while since I've been in his presents. I will miss Leo,Foreverkitty!